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"몇몇 국내 밴드들을 웃돈다는 인상을 받았다. 

멤버 네 명의 혼연일치한 연주력과 감성이 내재된 곡의진행이

하드 락을 위시한 여러 헤비 장르를 포용할 가능성을

음반 전반에서 보여줬다."


- The Y Magazine -

한국 헤비 음악 씬에 초 강자로 떠오르는 밴드 The Jaxx

2014년에 결성되어 수많은 라이브와 대회 수상으로 화제를 불러일으킨 The Jaxx.

보컬리스트 킹무성과 드러머 유강희가 의기투합하여 ‘다 작살 내버리자!’라는 말에서 파생된 이름,

The Jaxx로 팀 명을 정하고 베이시스트 권민조와 기타리스트 한태웅을 수혈하여 그들만의 음악세계를

 더욱 굳건히 굳혀갔다.


밴드 결성 1년도 채 되지 않아 울산 전국 밴드 경연 대회에서 대상을 수상하며 그 가능성을 타진하였고,

한국의 수많은 베테랑 밴드들과 함께 라이브를 하며 그들의 이름을 널리 알리기 시작했다. 


헤비메탈은 시끄러운 음악일 뿐이라는 편견에 쌓여있는 대한민국의 대중음악 씬에

새로운 출사표들을 던진 그들은 그러한 편견을 깨고 대중들에게 다가가기 위해

 또 수많은 무대를 설 예정이다.


Formed in 2014,

The Jaxx has been receiving big attentions in Korean heavy metal music scene since the debut.  


The band was started by the vocalist ‘Max’ and the drummer ‘Kang Hee Yoo’ ,

they named the band ‘The Jaxx’ from the Korean word ‘Jaksal’ which means to destroy everything.


They won the grand prize in the ‘Ulsan Band Competition’

in less than a year after their start. Also got well known for

playing a lot of live show with other veteran bands.


Releasing their first E.P ‘Beyond The Wall’ at 2017,4.6,

they started to be widely well known for their own distinctive style of music,

mixing heavy metal with a little grunge and progressive metal.


After the album release, the band successfully held their own solo live show. 

The Jaxx is now preparing for their first full-length album. 



Max :  Vocals

 Tae Woong Han :  Guitars

Min Jo Kwon :  Bass

Kang Hee Yoo :   Drums


Origin :  Seoul, South Korea


Genres :  Rock, Metal


Years Active :  2013 - Present


Label :  Independent

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